Visual Design Week 10: Type In Motion (Final)

2 min readMay 5, 2021

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This week, we need to finish our motion graphic design final project. After playing my video last week, the students gave a lot of feedback. Since the clips I selected didn’t have many intense emotions, the special effects in my videos are very simple overall, which is more suitable for the characters in the movie. So this week, I focused on adding some detailed effects and changing the special effects to a more suitable style for my video.

Things I need to work on this week:

  1. Change fading effects a little bit fast for the words “talent, ambition, beauty, hearts, etc ”, because they are a little bit too slow.
  2. Add wiggle for stutters, such as “so, that, etc.”
  3. The phrase ends before the effect is finished in 7 sec.
  4. Change the animation to 15 sec: I care more to be TO I want to be.
  5. Change the word “of” appears before the sick disappears.

I’m really grateful to my classmates for giving me so many suggestions, they are very helpful and insightful. Personally, I really enjoy the whole process of this final project. In addition to allowing me to complete work independently, it also allows me to have enough time to learn software and find more ideas for my audio.

